Electrical Engineering Services Turkey

Our contemporary Electrical Engineering solutions have made us an outstanding company in the outsourcing arena. Our Electrical CAD services are available for homes, businesses and other various areas of maintenance provides the highest standard of quality and service, professionalism and integrity. We concentrate more on favorable references from satisfied customers which helps to expand our business through moderate growth and prosperity. We are specialized in 2D aspects and designing projects of commercial and industrial projects and design and service of industrial process controls.

CAD Outsourcing’s Electric Engineering Services provides industry-leading expertise to address all of your power system requirements to help ensure safe, reliable, and continuous power. We provide dedicated employees to our clients who work exclusively for one client at a time. This rare charecterstics of our service provides the clients a chance to get quality services delivered in a timely manner. The patrons are at full freedom to increase or decrease the size of their remotely working members according to their requisite. Besides this, the dedicated electrical engineers work from our well guarded premises, thus making it easy for the client to coordinate and collaborate with them.

Some of the Electrical Services provided by us are as follows :

CAD Outsourcing is the foremost company in Turkey for Electrical Engineering Services. We have the best electrical engineers who are dependable, appreciative and professional; hence they are the key to our successful progress of business. In our electrical process, we cover methods of wiring, schemes of distribution and protection for lighting, power installations and systems such as alarms and standby supplies.

CAD Outsourcing appreciates the complication of different types of Engineering Projects.

A technology leader for residential, Commercial and educational markets, CAD Outsourcing offers fully included Electrical Engineering for institutional, Industrial, Commercial, and Residential and specification that combines suites of tools with automatically linked capabilities. With the strong field experience CAD Outsourcing helps its level best to meet all necessary electrical standards and regulations for your institutional, Industrial, Commercial, and Residential building. A construction of an Institutional, Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Structure is the blend of many engineering disciplines and one of them is Electrical Engineering Services where the scope of electrical engineering services in following fields:

Effluent Treatment Plant Turkey

Effluent Treatment Plant Management Services that offer society resourcefully while returning treated wastewater to the surroundings with insignificant significance are necessary upshots for a green and sustainable world. Wastewater Engineering engage the complete water-cycle, from sourcing drinking water supplies in high ground areas to treating and discharging wastewater resulting from urban and industrial activities. In the current scenario of industrialization the wastewater treatment is a mandatory requirement for industry under environment protection norms. To reduce the impact on environment Effluent Treatment Plant Process can help to dispose the industrial effluent water in an eco-friendly manner.

Switchyard Turkey

Switchyard is group of electrical equipment where high voltage electricity is switched using of various component. Electrical Switchyards are generally part of a substation where electricity is transformed from one voltage to another for the transmission and distribution. To design Switchyard requires compliance of high end quality standards. CAD Outsourcing is having expertise in designing electrical Switchyard where our experts strive to conceive quality standards of the industry into Electrical Switchyard Design and at the same time meet the operational requirements of our clients.

GIS Switchyard Turkey

A gas insulated substation is an electrical substation in which the major structures are contained in a sealed environment with sulfur hexafluoride gas as the insulating medium. GIS technology is well-liked in desert and arctic areas because it can be enclosed in a building with some environmental control. Gas insulated substations also contain the electrical components within a Faraday cage and are therefore totally shielded from lightning.

Electrical Lighting Drafting Turkey

Electrical drafting services are necessary in almost all building projects, whether commercial, industrial, residential or municipal. Many architects, engineers, and contractors rely on accurate drawings to take their projects to successful completion. Besides layouts for lighting and fixtures, our talented team of drafters can provide terminations diagrams, control circuits, panel schedules, material lists and more. We have higly skilled team who look out the engineering part.

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