BIM 360 Design Services | CAD Outsourcing Services


BIM 360 Design is the latest and next-gen services. It is basically used for design management, data collaboration and cloud services. This is completely a new platform that has been built on BIM 360 platform. We all are very well known for the term BIM - Building Information Modeling and its benefits and importance. Now it is time to drill down the service more and take an understanding of BIM 360 design.

The designs that are built for AEC (Architectural Engineering Construction), in that it is only BIM 360 Design that supports the BIM based designs. It also gives the real-time view of the design in Autodesk Revit along with 2D and 3D. With a complete and proper cloud-based workflow the delivery of the project will be done professionally and effectively. It is considered to be one of the fastest growing cloud solutions. Moving further the best thing about this service is that it gives live tracking connections for pre-constructed workflows. Also, it does include the process of deliveries of BIM Coordination too.

Different Types of BIM 360 Design Services

Moving further, in the below mentioned table you will find the list of the services that are a part of this service and which are taken into consideration by each and every engineers here at CAD Outsourcing Services. Also, in this service you can consider the option of Point Cloud to BIM too.

BIM 360 Design BIM 360 Glue BIM 360 Build BIM 360 OPS
BIM 360 Docs BIM 360 Design Collaboration BIM 360 Autodesk Autodesk BIM 360
BIM 360 Collaboration BIM Collaboration BIM 360 Design Cost Autodesk BIM 360 Design Collaboration
BIM 360 Team Collaboration BIM 360 Revit Collaboration BIM 360 Design Collaboration Module BIM 360 Design Collaboration for Revit
BIM 360 Design Autodesk Autodesk BIM 360 Design Collaboration for civil 3D BIM 360 Cloud Platform Design Collaboration Software

BIM 360 Design Stages or Platform

Now for successful BIM 360 it is necessary to follow certain stages / platform that make the complete process easy and smooth. Below mentioned is the list for the same.

BIM 360 Design

This is the first stage of the BIM 360 Design Service in which the Engineers will provide the support in the complete Design and that too in a Collaborative manner which will have Autodesk Revit authoring.

BIM 360 Glue / Pre-Construction

With the help of BIM 360 Glue the complete pre-construction workflows get easy, accurate and fast.

BIM 360 Build / Field- Execution

To check the status on the project it is necessary that the Engineers have a field visit done. This will assist and give an idea and tracking on quality, safety, and progress of the work.

BIM 360 OPS / Handover and Operations

This is the final stage where once the construction is completed the handover is given to the actual owner where the understanding will be passed on with the operational use and its practices.

BIM 360 Docs

With the help of proper Documentation and Design workflow, the entire process of completing the work and handing it over becomes easy and fast. This is only possible because of BIM 360 Docs gives an overview of the service and the process of its implementation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

What is BIM 360 Design?

BIM 360 Design is the latest and the newest forms of the services that offers wide array of cloud spacing. In this process that also gives the information related to design collaboration and data management.

What is the benefit of BIM 360 Design Services?

The benefit of BIM 360 Design Services is very much supportive and useful. Here the benefit are related complete to the business values. Some of them are easy design collaboration, integration becomes easy, and in the end it is a profitable and talented pool.

What are the three key items that are included in BIM 360 Design?

While opting for the service of BIM 360 Design it includes three major key items and those are listed below.

How does the process of BIM 360 Design work with BIM 360 offerings?

As the service holds a vital role therefore it is necessary to work in proper manner and get complete details to it. To know more about the service or get in touch with our Expert Engineers you can Contact US or Email and we at CAD outsourcing Services are at your service.

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