Structural Services | Structural Engineering Outsourcing Services

CAD Outsourcing is a veteran in the Structural Services domain that has been providing quality-focused 2D and 3D CAD solutions for structural needs for over 16+ years. Our experienced team is vigilant about the rapidly changing AEC market and its design norms and regulations. We offer Structural 3D Modeling Services, Structural Design and Drafting Services, and Structural Services to architects, engineers, builders, retailers, and contract-based professionals who need expertise to assist them with the structural detailing and drawing processes. Our Structural Services methodology uses advanced CAD software such as Tekla, Revit, ArchiCAD, Navisworks, Solidworks, Sketchup, and others to create quality-loaded and error-free structural drawings.

Our Structural Engineering Services and Tekla Structural Design Services play a vital in developing infallibly accurate drawings of structural foundations for sports complexes, shopping malls, offices, universities, colleges, schools, resorts, theme parks, restaurants, hospitals, industrial plants, bridges, flyovers, and various complex structures. We provide Structural Services and High Rise Structures Skyscraper Services to cater to taller urban buildings such as penthouses, skyscrapers, skyline hotels, etc., which require innovative engineering solutions, wind and seismic analysis, complex load distribution plans, material optimization, and adaptability to challenging environments. We offer Structural Fabrication Drawing Services to provide quality-approved drawings for fabricating beams, columns, girders, slabs, trusses, bracings, frames, and various structural components.

Categories of Structural Services

Structural CAD Drafting Services

CAD Outsourcing has mastery in Structural CAD Drafting Services, specializing in creating straightforward and well-coordinated structural drafts that show engineers strategic methods to erect building frameworks. We work systematically to deliver Structural CAD Drafting Services in a limited timeframe, creating branches for distinct components. For example, some team members will work on creating a base; others focus on decks and joists, and so on.

Being proactive in the entire Structural CAD Drafting Services drastically improves the ability to address load-bearing challenges, alignment issues, and conflicts parallel to designing, saving valuable time. To validate global consistency, our team is trained to comply with American, European, Middle Eastern, Canadian, and other international and regional standards to meet all regulatory checklists.

Structural CAD Design Services

One of our crucial solutions is masked in the form of Structural CAD Design Services, through which we develop conceptual plans and designs that showcase the entire structural schematic. The initial designs of structural projects are important because they give architects an idea to pursue fabrication, assembly, and erection processes strategically. We use these designs as a foundation for further drawings and modeling processes.

Our Structural CAD Design Services and Structural Design and Drafting Services help engineers estimate the approximate cost and timeline at a very early stage of the project, which helps them overview the entire project from a birds-eye view. Our Structural CAD Design Services evolve with time and remain at the forefront of architectural innovation.

Structural Shop Drawing Services

Considering the importance of fabrication/ shop drawings, assembly plans, and placement manuals, we deliver Structural Shop Drawing Services for detailed construction documentation. Our structural shop drawings include individual and integrated plans for every component, from manufacturing to placement. Our Structural Shop Drawing Services provide a central CAD solution that project professionals use as reference points.

Our drawing specialists accurately specify important information like material types, welding specifications, and finish requirements in the structural shop drawings. Our Structural Shop Drawing Services and Structural Fabrication Drawing Services are reliable for complex structural projects. We analyze the entire structural framework to the last pixel and develop durable plans through a first-principles analogy.

3D Structural Design Drawings Services

Since 2D drawings are critical, 3D plans open new doors to understanding structure better. CAD Outsourcing provides 3D Structural Design Drawings Services to architects needing more time and budget management. Our 3D structural design drawings help engineers reflect conflicts quicker than 2D drawings. Our 3D drawings exactly display physical beams, shafts, decks, etc., and how they would look in their physical form.

Our 3D Structural Design Drawings Services not only improve the design and planning phases but also contribute to the overall success of the projects. Our structural design drawing solutions stand out as a transformative tool that guides engineers in approaching erecting the skeleton of a building safely and with proper geometric alignment.

Structural BIM Modeling Services

CAD Outsourcing specializes in Structural BIM Modeling Services to provide 3D models that allow architects to interact immersively with the digital depiction of structural layout. The beauty of BIM models is being able to analyze core parameters of a structure's foundation from all angles or, more to say, in a 360-degree manner. The rise in the demand for BIM models has increased the need for builders to Outsource Structural BIM Services and our drive to offer Structural BIM Modeling Services that exceed client expectations.

Our Structural 3D Modeling Services and Structural BIM Modeling Services improve the accuracy of structural analysis and load calculations. They also help engineers test structures in real-world settings and examine how different elements will perform under various stresses. We utilize Revit, Tekla, Navisworks, and other BIM tools to validate productive collaboration among project stakeholders.

Structural Steel Detailing Services

CAD Outsourcing is an expert in Structural Steel Detailing Services that provides custom digital design solutions for steel structures. We capitalize on steel’s versatility, recyclability, and resistance to environmental factors to develop sustainable building solutions that meet contemporary architectural demands. Our solutions provide reliable plans that validate durability and rigidity in frameworks, withstanding against wear and tear and various external forces.

We deliver Structural Steel Detailing Services to assist clients in making robust connections between all vertical and horizontal beams arranged together to form a skeleton. Our structural steel detailing emphasizes the role of connectors such as bolts, nuts, welds, rivets, brackets, etc., and develops high-quality manuals for each joining part.

What solutions do our Structural Services include?

Structural Engineering Services | CAD Design Services

CAD Outsourcing ranks among the world’s leading Structural Engineering Consultants who take bold and out-of-the-box ways to shape the future of urban landscapes. Our Structural Engineering Services involve creating quality-driven drawings that comply with principal regional codes and standards such as IS, IBC, ASCE, ACI, AISC, ANSI, RSIO, OSHA, and others specific to a country. Our team conducts several consultations with clients to understand every aspect of the project and craft highly personalized Structural Engineering Services that align with their objectives and scopes.

Every project in the modern era commences with extensive talk on sustainable practices. Our Structural Engineering Services involve creating robust yet sustainable designs that reduce carbon footprints during production and promote greener construction. Based on clients' documents, we thoroughly understand the surrounding space around that region to obtain a deeper understanding of producing models that help structure maintain resilience over a more extended period. We deliver Structural Engineering Services very straightforwardly, taking an imaginative approach to solving intricate design and structural formation hurdles.

Range of Structural Engineering Services We provide

Let us proceed further and have a look at some of the types of Structural Services and its salient features. Here are the details for the same as listed below.

Structural 2D Drafting and Detailing Services

CAD Outsourcing offers Structural 2D Drafting and Design Services that guide the correct approach to the production, placement, and erection of structural scaffolding. We employ the advantages of drafting and design software to validate the proper dimensions, thickness, bending radius, and various other parameters.

Salient Features

  • Offers in-depth information on load-calculation, beam and column design, and a lot many other services that are a part of it.
  • Sharing the report that has details related to the detailed shop drawings, placing drawings, and adhering to the required international codes and standards.
  • Analyzing the load of the materials that are required and a must have report when proceeding with the construction of the project.
  • Creation of all types of drawings and drawings that are included in the projects like foundation plan drawings, footing and column schedules, joist details, etc and a lot many other details.
  • Coordinating with the team to understand and meet the exact need and requirements of the clients for the projects.
  • Supporting all levels of complexity of the projects to multi-store structures.
  • Effective and detailed scaling of the project and supporting the project team.

Software And International Standards We Follow.

Moving further, here is the list of the software and the international standards that we are bound and adhered to be followed when undertaking projects of Structural Engineering Services.

International Standards


Structural CAD Services | CAD Outsourcing Services

CAD Outsourcing’s Structural CAD Services provide a holistic approach that enables project teams to analyze the long-term performance and sustainability of a building. Our team provides advanced material lists and bills of materials along with Structural CAD Services. As a preeminent Structural CAD Services Provider, we validate that each structural component is placed in the correct position and aligned properly to distribute the load equally on every element to make the structure highly stable and rigid. Not just drawing resilient structures, our Structural CAD Services provide future-proof designs that can quickly be modified for future redevelopment.

Methods and Techniques Used for Structural Engineering Services :

Structural Engineering Design Workflow

Now proceeding further, here are the details wherein we share the complete process where we mention the entire workflow of Structural Engineering Services.

Why Choose CAD Outsourcing Services for Structural Engineering Services

This is the most common question as to why there is a need to Outsource Structural Engineering Services. Well, for this here are the details as mentioned below.

Reasons to Outsource Structural CAD Drafting Services and Structural CAD Services to us:

Contact Us for all your Structural Services, Structural Engineering Services, and Structural CAD Services requirements and needs.

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