Architectural Services | CAD Outsourcing Services

CAD Outsourcing is a leading Architectural Engineering Firm that provides fully customized Architectural Services in over a hundred countries, including the USA, UAE, UK, Canada, Australia, and more. We have a team of qualified designers, drafters, modelers, and drawing professionals with ample experience developing high-quality 2D and 3D architecture plans. Our Architectural Services, Architectural Engineering Services, and Architectural Shop Drawing Services provide instructional digital plans for fabricators to produce finer quality building components with correct geometries, materials, surface finishing, and assembly techniques. By delivering Architectural Services and Architectural CAD Drafting Services, on-site engineers receive sequential manuals to install and erect building segments faultlessly.

Architectural Engineering Services - CAD Outsourcing Services

We provide Revit Architectural Services, Architectural BIM Services, and Architectural CAD Services catering to various structures, including high-rise buildings, restaurants, resorts, university campuses, theme parks, metro stations, airport infrastructures, shopping malls, and community centers. All our drawings and drafts meet regulatory codes and standards such as IBC, IRC, ASCE, AIA, ASHRAE, BS, ASTM, etc. 80-90% of our Architectural Services, Architectural Engineering Services, and Architectural BIM Services workflow involves working on advanced CAD and BIM software and tools such as Revit, Tekla, Solidworks, Sketchup, Rhinos, ArchiCAD, etc. used for distinct purposes and requirements.

We offer wide-array of CAD Architectural Services:

Architectural Engineering Services | CAD Outsourcing Firm

As a profound Architectural Engineering Company, CAD Outsourcing develops building layouts, and skeleton plans with correct geometry and dimensions to form a structure's highly stable and rigid foundation. We offer CAD Architectural Engineering Services to engineers to help them convert paper designs and rough sketches into informative CAD files in compatible formats, i.e., DWG, DXF, IGES, IPT, PRT, SLDPRT, and others. Zooming into the core parameters of architecture, our Architectural Engineering Services provide niche plans for every component, such as floors, roofs, facades, windows, stairs, walls, decks, beams, columns, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, mechanical, and other critical parts which make a structure highly functional and livable.

Our Custom Architectural Engineering Services Include:

Categories of Architectural Services :

Architectural CAD Drafting Services

CAD Outsourcing specializes in Architectural CAD Drafting Services and 2D Architectural Drafting Services to deliver quality-driven 2D elevation, sectional, and 3D structure representations. Our Architectural CAD Drafting Services involve mapping every section, room, space, gallery, cabin, etc., with proper measurements as our clients describe. We offer Structural CAD Drafting Services and MEP CAD Drafting Services within the umbrella of Architectural Drafting Services. Our team works systematically so that various facets of Architectural CAD Drafting Services are executed in parallel to validate that we deliver timely solutions without delays.

Step-by-step Breakdown of our Architectural CAD Drafting Services process:

Architectural Outsourcing Services

Global Engineering firms Outsource Revit Architectural Services, Architectural Engineering Services, and Architectural Outsourcing Services to procure an experienced helping hand who will help them with CAD and BIM-related solutions for their next architectural project. CAD Outsourcing is recognized as the renowned Revit Architecture Design Company, which has proven its worth in every challenging project undertaking. We offer Architectural Outsourcing Services and Architectural Engineering Services with high flexibility to adopt any size or magnitude of the project. When delivering Architectural Services, our proactive team consistently communicates with our clients to report updates to validate a transparent environment among service providers and clients.

Architectural BIM Services

The demand for 3D portrayal of architecture before attaining physical form is rising with time, and so is the demand for Architectural BIM Services in the AEC industry. CAD Outsourcing employs hardworking and passionate Revit Architecture Design Consultants who consistently provide exceptional work and up to 100% client satisfaction with Revit 3D Modelling Architectural Services, Architectural BIM Services, and Architectural 3D Modeling Services. Architects feel empowered when our BIM models give them a clear idea of how a building will be constructed. Engineers ally with us for Architectural BIM Services to develop designs for building segments quickly, validating the standards for accuracy to remain consistent throughout the elements.

Significant Advantages of Architectural BIM Services:

Urban Planning and Design Services

CAD Outsourcing is influential in the Urban Planning and Design Services space. From utilizing adequate land space, considering natural factors, optimal resource allocation, and boosting sustainable parameters in a city, our Urban Planning and Design Services deliver futuristic drawings to make the city accessible and enjoyable for all age groups. Our Urban Planning and Design Services include plans for public transportation networks, skyscrapers, campuses, recreational centers, parks, playing arenas, and various utilities of a thriving city.

Our Urban Planning and Design Services help in designing smarter cities through:

Landscape Planning and Design Services

CAD Outsourcing's Landscape Planning and Design Services contribute to a healthier graphic, safe, and emission-free environment. Our designers incorporate native planting plans, water management systems, and green infrastructure when working on Landscape Planning and Design Services. An architectural landscape forms the external shield or functional layer to elevate the overall appeal of the core building and the surrounding built environment. Our Landscape Planning and Design Services address broader challenges like climate resilience and sustainable growth.

Our Philosophy behind Landscape Planning and Design Services:

Interior Architectural Design Services

CAD Outsourcing dominates the Interior Architectural Design Services domain, which goes beyond developing decorative plans to creating versatile and practical indoor spaces that maximize comfort and safety. We provide Interior Architectural Design Services for all interiors, such as homes, offices, hotels, cafes, restaurants, gaming zones, retail stores, product showrooms, religious structures, colleges, schools, etc. Our Interior Architectural Design Services perfectly balance modernization, personalization, durability, and livability.

Why are Interior Architectural Design Services a must-have for AEC professionals?

Types of Architectural Services We offer :

Now let us proceed further and have a look at some of the types of Shop Drawings Services that are being offered by CAD Outsourcing Services, and to which we are having our forte too. Mentioned are the types in a tabular form along with its features too.

Architectural Design Services

CAD Outsourcing delivers Architectural Design Services to global clients who need research-based architectural designs for complex ideas. Our team creates innovative conceptual designs that include all specifications provided by clients. Our Architectural Design Services help engineers outline architecture with adequately laid out components for facades, walls, ceilings, stairs, landscapes, etc., and estimate approximate costs and timelines.

Salient Features

  • Receiving and understanding the data shared by the clients.
  • Collaboratively defining the domain of business requirement.
  • Feasibility and assessment.
  • Briefing on the concept of the design.
  • Creating the outline of the design.
  • Development of the design and drawings.
  • Constructing the construction data.
  • Rating the scalability of the design and the work.

Benefits and Advantages of Architectural Engineering Services

What makes CAD Outsourcing a Preferred Destination for Architectural Services and Architectural Engineering Services?

This is the most common question as to why there is a necessity to outsource the project when the work can be done by the team itself. Well, for this the answer is as mentioned below.

If you have more questions regarding Architectural Services, Architectural Engineering Services, and Architectural BIM Services, drop us a line and clear out your queries.

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