COBie BIM Services | CAD Outsourcing Services


COBie stands for Construction Operations Building information Exchange. This is the service that is an international standard that is more related to BIM Services. This service is most commonly used in product data. This further handover the data from the construction team to the operation team. We at CAD Outsourcing Services provide you with COBie Services too.

The specification of COBie Services. is good at capturing industrial knowledge with best practice. Whereas, another thing that is not so accurate and precise is the information that is required at the time of project handover. Well, it actually does not dictate the exact information. Thus, this responsibility lies in the hand of the project owner at the end.

Study/ History of COBie

COBie was the service that was first used in the year 2007 by the US Army Corporations and Engineers. This was their pilot project. Post the success of this project in December 2011 it was approved by the US based National Institute of Building science a part of National Building Information Modeling (NBIMS-US) standards.

Moving further, even in the UK in the year 2011, the UK government published this service in BIM. The biggest reason behind this was to work collaboratively and get the project completion at the earliest. Later in 2016 this was then used with the 3D BIM Collaborative Services. The engineers we have understand the need and importance of this service and tend to provide the best result to it.

None of us would deny the fact that in past the handing over a construction design of the project was not so easy. It was quite struggling for the designer as well as an operational team. To this, the reason was the information that is generated was in bits and pieces with some partly relevant data for the operations team. Since this was one of the struggles, this also means that there would be a lot of new documentation required. This is only produced and gathered specifically from the team which is tended to be in the form of papers drawings and documents.

In this process, it requires the bulk of documentation work, and thus the frequency to put here is till the end of the project. And yes this is when the time budgets are already spent and the deadline for the projects are around the corner. But a big thanks to the era where digitalization is very much accepted by everyone. With this, it has become easy to move the information gradually from the archive room to file servers.

Principles of COBie

When COBie Services came into existence, its core aim was to break down the barriers which are listed above. And this is yes the common industry format as well. The initial and the current state are not perfect, but yes the natural progression is ongoing. Currently, the evolution which we see is indeed as good as a stepping stone to further evolve around digital construction and lifecycle building information management.

Here the main thing is to aim for the replacement for the point solutions along with the homegrown exchange templates. With this said let us check and know what are the basic principles of COBie.

So with this said get in touch with us and the team of experts for your project that requires the full-fledged COBie Service. Along with this we are masters in CAD Services, BIM Services, MEP Services, and much more.

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