
LOD 500 is the stage which is called the final stage of your project. Here the owner would be able to see the project in its final stage. We all know that in the construction stage where BIM Services are considered, Level of Development ( LOD) Services to play a vital role. To make the project a success it is mandatory to follow every bit of the steps in detail and with accuracy. The motive of our company is to provide our customer 100% satisfaction and build with them a healthy and strong business relationship.

Hence, moving further, let us process the final stage of LOD Service which is defined by BIM and that is LOD 500. The stage is called “ As-Built”. Here the stage is not that easy, because from LOD 100 to LOD 400 the progression of the project can be monitored. But for LOD 500 it is not. This is the phase where the competing focus is driven by an owner’s facilities management workflow.

We all know that LOD500 relates more to the services of field verification and does not indicate the progress of a higher level of geometry or information. Well, LOD 500 was specified by the owners because they wanted information that is added to the facilities management workflow. Here no matter how the work is going with the designed workflow. But the accuracy and precision are very much needed. Therefore, CAD Outsourcing Services is here at your service to make things easy for you and your project.

Well, it would not be wrong in saying that LOD 500 is a very complicated service and has a lot of misunderstanding attached to it. Therefore, this stage is given the name as “field verified” or “As-Built” model. If the process followed is proper and correct, we can have the best result out of it and this will be yes, an important stage of the work in BIM - Building Information Modeling .

Further, with this said if want to know more about the service of LOD 500 in Building Information Modeling, get in touch with the team of experts and get all your doubts cleared. We have a team who is at your service in every stage and hence provides you with the best opinion. No matter whatever is the size of your project the team will give their best efforts in it. Also, provide full-fledged BIM and LOD Services in all industrial, commercial, residential, hotels and restaurants, schools and hostels, projects, and many more.

As-Built Services

CAD Outsourcing Services is the leading As-Built BIM Consultant providing high quality as-built BIM services to the clients globally. We have been the first choice for our clients globally when it comes to As-built BIM Outsourcing Services. The need to have the service is because the team can evaluate the existing design, the current property, upcoming-building project, or any construction project.

Our as-built drafting gives an access to the clients to use the existing space and that too with the option of not spending any additional amount or cost of investment. The as-built BIM design or as-built model that is being created by us can be used for the future references and purpose so as to make the overall work possible to be completed in an easy go.

As-Built Services Offered by CAD Outsourcing Services

We have the team who closely understand the needs and requirements of the clients and based on that with the help of software like CAD and others are able to create and develop proper and updated BIM as-built drawings. Below mentioned is the list of as-built services that are offered by us.

With the services offered by us and the trust that our clients have on us, we have been one of the foremost as-built BIM consultancy services providers globally. Contact Us today to get free quotations for your project.

Having experience of 13 years follow all major international standards and software that are mandatory in the creation of the design. The list of the software is ZWCAD+, Autodesk Revit, Autodesk AutoCAD, TEKLA, and others too. We are just a call and email info@cadoutsourcing.net away from you. Get in touch with us and know about the quotations of the services via submitting your details for getting free quotes. With this said is rest assured that your project will be designed and drafted with one of the leading companies in India and overseas.

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